His Majesty's Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary is available to you 24-hours-a-day. His Majesty invites you to partake of His mercy and grace through our audio prayers of agreement available in our Prayer Sanctuary, or feel free to e-mail us your prayer petitions and allow our Worldwide HMM Intercessors to take them to the throne room of God. His Majesty's line is never busy and all prayer requests are confidential!
Do You Know Jesus?
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Prayer Decrees

     HMMW Intercessors, Kingdom Queens and Kingdom Kings, Mighty Youth Warriors and Kingdom Family,

     Loving greetings to you from the heart of His Majesty and ours! Pray you are enjoying the cooler weather as the Fall Season ushers it in. Nice. Yes!

     Once again, we have the blessing and opportunity to pray corporately for Israel, America and the Nations. What a privilege it is to join our hearts in corporate prayer united with one another, and come before the Courts of Heaven with our heartfelt prayer petitions (Matthew 18:18-20). We are all aware things are getting “heated up” here in America and worldwide in all seven mountain arenas. Thus, Holy Spirit has prompted me to call you, the HMMW Intercessors, KQ’s, KK’s, Mighty Youth Warriors and Kingdom Family to prayer. Let’s take these important prayer points for Israel, America and the Nations to the throne room of God in prayers of  faith and unity together!  We speak the manifestation of 1,000-fold blessings to you all in Jesus’s name (Deut. 1:11). Amen.
     Prayer Points for Israel, America and the Nations

  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth for the peace of Jerusalem, Israel, America and the nations (Ps. 122:6; I Timothy 2:1-2).
  • With all our hearts our priority prayer for the upcoming November 5th Presidential Election, is the Council of Heaven, the truth of God’s Word and the anointing of Holy Spirit would preside over and  immerse the American people as they vote, they would heed the voice of the Lord and their voted choices would be for the peoples’ platforms who align with God’s Word and heart. Thus, we pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth God’s choices will be elected and be placed in all positions of authority to rule over American in every governmental seat in Jesus’s name (Matt. 6:10; Zech. 4:6).
  • We petition God in prayers, decrees and call forth from heaven to earth the release of angelic forces according to Psalm 103:20-22 and God to command them to destroy every evil maneuver, ploy, plot, scheme, and underhanded attack to steal, undermine, counterfeit, dilute, corrupt, or overthrow God’s plans and purposes for Israel, America including the Presidential Election, and the nations (Ps. 129:4; Ps. 35, 37, 91).
  • We petition God to divinely intervene and anything and everything that is not aligned with God’s plans and purposes for Israel, America including all aspects of the upcoming Elections, and the nations be brought to light and brought to nothing (Luke 8:17; Is. 41:11).  
  • We  petition God to continue to raise up an army of anointed and called Intercessors who for Zion’s sake will not hold their peace  and for Jerusalem’s, America’s and the nations sakes will not rest until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness and the salvation thereof as a lamp burneth (Is. 62).
  • We pray, decree and petition God to divinely intervene as we pray against all military demonic invasions and acts of terrorism in Israel, America and the nations (Joel 2:20).
  • We pray against and resist all spirits of Jezebel, witchcraft, all spirits but the spirits of God, all assignments and their effects, all curses and their effects, and all negative words and their effects be broken, cast down, bound, cancelled, renderered nought by the Word of God, the blood of Jesus, the anointing of Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Matt. 6:10; Rev. 12:11; Zech. 4:6; Is. 54:17).
  • We pray, decree and call forth Biblical marriage and family values will be upheld in Israel, America, and the nations (Gen. 1:27; Gen. 2:24; Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1).
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth the right to life for the unborn and the preservation and protection of the lives of the children be upheld in Israel, America, and the nations (Deut. 30:19).
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth that the spirits of violence, crime and lawlessness be broken in Israel, America and the nations (Is. 60:18).
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth the churches and ministries, leadership and congregants will be Word of God oriented, allow Holy Spirit to orchestrate and God’s plans and purposes for His church, the body of Christ, will be established in Israel, America and the nations (Eph. 4:10-32.
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth Holy Spirit would do a work in  businessmen’ and businesswomen’ hearts and they would commit their businesses to God and God’s plans and purposes for His finances would be upheld  in Isreal, America and the nations (Ps. 104:23-24; Ps. 24:1; Ha. 2:8-9).  
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth that the wealth of the wicked be turned to the hands of the righteous. We further pray and decree the righteous that receive the wealth of the wicked use it for God’s purposes and not squander it on selfishness (Proverbs 13:22; Matt. 6:10).
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth that divine reversals of everything the enemy has set in motion against God’s plans and purposes for Israel, America, and the nations will manifest.
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth that the people in Israel, America and the nations will hunger for the righteousness of God and the holiness of God will preside (Matt. 6:33; Heb. 12:14).
  • We pray, decree and call forth from heaven to earth the outpouring of Holy Spirit and spiritual awakening, souls saved, infillings of Holy Spirit, deliverances, healings, miracles, signs, wonders and saints thrust into their God-destinies for Kingdom establishment (Acts 2:17-19; John 3:16; Ps. 107:20; Is. 53:4-5; Matt. 6:10).
  • Beloveds, these prayer points are not in anyway all inclusive petitions we are uplifting to the throne room of Heaven, but as we agree in prayer, decree and call forth the manifested answers from heaven to earth to these petitions, God will answer. From the bottom of our hearts we are asking Him to usher in the manifestation of the Council of Heaven as we give Him something to work with -- our faith released on His Word in fervent prayers of agreement in Jesus’s name. We position ourselves in the blood of Jesus, robed in His righteousness and say, it is written, The Lord rebuke you Satan in Jesus’s name (Zechariah 3:2; Jude 9).  Father, we thank You  and praise You for all You are to us and all You are already doing worldwide. God is establishing His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven worldwide through the Word of God and personality of Holy Spirit (Matt. 6:10; Zech. 4:6). Victory! Victory! Victory! Glory! Glory! Glory!

     We align and set ourselves in agreement with God’s Word “But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. God loves us for that we can be sure. He loves us with His everlasting love. Hallelujah and amen!

     His Majesty and we love and appreciate you all! See you in the Spirit . . .

Minister Troy and Prophetess Sharyn
His Majesty Ministries Worldwide
PO Box 2287
Burleson, TX 76097

“And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly,
triumphing over them in it.”
(Colossians 2:14)
“And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”
(Romans 6:20)


(Beloveds, below is a copy of the Prayer Of Agreement His Majesty Ministries Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary Intercessors pray together meeting in the Spirit weekly establishing God's Kingdom come, His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven worldwide through the Word of God and personality of Holy Spirit (Matt. 6:10; Zech. 4:6). After we inrcede in unity and examine ourselves according to the scriptures, we seal our prayers with the blood of Jesus by partaking Communion together believing by faith "it is finished" in Jesus' name. Amen. We invite you to join us and bless you knowing the Lord will not forget to reward you for your labors of love towards Him, His Kingdom and His Majesty Ministries Worldwide (Heb. 6:10). 

His Majesty Ministries Worldwide Prayer Sanctuary
Prayer Of Agreement

Father, we thank You and praise You for being our miracle working God. We also thank You and praise You for being our God of restoration. We thank You and praise You for being Mighty God and for being the Alpha and the Omega and the God in between the beginning and the end, and we thank You for the blood of Jesus, Your Word and the Holy Spirit. We thank You as we come to You uplifting this Prayer of Agreement to the throne room releasing our faith on Matthew 16:18 and Matthew 18:18-20 with all the HMMW Intercessors, You are hearing and answering us before we finish speaking according to Isaiah 65:24. Father, You said in your Word in II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and will heal their land." Right now, Father, in obedience to Your Word, we Your people which are called by Your name,stand in the gap, humble ourselves and repent for the sins of Israel, America, the nations of the world, the body of Christ, corporate world, His Majesty Ministries Worldwide, every HMMW Intercessor agreeing with us in prayer and his or her loved ones and on behalf of every prayer request received by His Majesty Ministries Worldwide. We ask Your forgiveness and turn from our wicked ways believing now You are hearing us from heaven, forgiving our sin and healing our land worldwide.

In the name of Jesus we call Satan the thief and we take back all the territory stolen from Israel, America, all the nations, the body of Christ, corporate world, His Majesty Ministries Worldwide, every HMMW Intercessor and his or her loved ones and on behalf of every prayer petition received by His Majesty Ministries Worldwide. We take ALL this territory back for His Majesty by force and we claim back the seven-fold restoration of everything Satan has stolen from His Majesty's Kingdom and us, the King's Kids, according to Matthew 11:12 and Proverbs 6:30-31. In agreement we stand in the gap and wage war in the heavenlies binding and taking authority over Satan and every principality, every power, every ruler of darkness and cast down every spiritual wickedness in high places coming against these territories according to II Corinthians 10:4-5. In the name of Jesus we cancel every negative word and its effects that has been spoken about these territories and ask forgiveness for those who have spoken the negative words. We render every negative word and its effects powerless to operate and erase them with the blood of Jesus. In agreement we cancel every assignment and its effects that has been placed against these territories and render them powerless and inoperative to operate against these territories according to Isaiah 54:17. We cancel and reverse every curse and its effects that has been invoked against these territories according to Galatians 3:13. We speak and loose the name of Jesus over these territories, we loose and cover these territories with the supernatural power of the blood of Jesus, we pray and decree the Word of God over these territories, and we loose the yoke-destroying, burden-removing power of the Holy Ghost over these territories all in the mighty name of Jesus.

We now decree according to Matthew 6:10 God's Kingdom come, His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven is established in Israel, America, all the nations, the body of Christ, corporate world, His Majesty Ministries Worldwide, in every HMMW Intercessor's life who is agreeing with us in prayer and his or her loved ones and on behalf of every prayer request received at His Majesty Ministries Worldwide. We call it done by faith and expect to see the full manifestation of the answers to the petitions we have prayed and decreed. Father, we thank You and praise You for honoring our faith, our meeting in the Spirit once weekly praying the Prayer Of Agreement and partaking Communion, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, Your Word, and the yoke-destroying, burden-removing power of the Holy Ghost all in Jesus' name. Amen.

Prayer Of Agreement ©2002-2023 His Majesty Ministries Worldwide, Inc.

Beloveds, the Holy Communion Scriptures are denoted below for your convenience. 

     "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body.
      For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we should judge ourselves, we should not be judged" (I Corinthians 11:27-33).
                  "And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
       After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me"  (I Corinthians 11:24-26).

            His Majesty loves you and we love you!

Scriptures taken from the King James Verson



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